Cooper County Specific Web Sites
Cooper County Courthouse - This has Cooper County information but is basic.
Genealogy Trails - Genealogy Trails History Group – Cooper County
The Library - History of towns, villages, and hamlets in Cooper Co.
Cooper County Origins - This is a state/county genweb site and has a lot of excellent information if one really searches, and reads on the site. It was maintained by James Thoma, and he did a wonderful job of listing Cooper County history. There are cemetery lists and burials, churches, schools, marriage, census, wills and probate records, maps, information on Cooper County communities, and much more. Several ways to access the information.
General Genealogy FREE Websites
ObitTree - North American obituaries
Missouri State Archives - (Secretary of State) To request an appointment email or call (573)751-3280
WikiTree - Free research
Genealogy - Free research
State of Historical Society of Missouri - Historic Missourians, Newspaper collections, general research
Family Search - This is a free Mormon web site of information, and can be very helpful, but one needs to verify information taken from them as they are known to have a lot of errors and inaccuracies on family information
Fee-Based Genealogy Sites
There are several fee-based sites. Some have a free trial or guest period.
- - This is a huge data base of family tree information as well as other historical records. Indicate your interest and they often have ½ price specials for 6 months.
My Heritage - Same as with
Genealogy Bank - This is a data base with old newspapers